Newsletters & Press releases
Newsletters and press releases issued periodically during the project. Many translated into study site local languages.
Newsletter 1 v general
A more detailed description of DESIRE's aims, methodology and study sites than was presented in the project Brochure. This version intended for: general readers. Issued February 2009.
Newsletter 1 v general_FR
A more detailed description of DESIRE's aims, methodology and study sites than was presented in the project Brochure. This version intended for: general readers. Issued February 2009. _FR version
Newsletter 1 v general_TR
A more detailed description of DESIRE's aims, methodology and study sites than was presented in the project Brochure. This version intended for: general readers. Issued February 2009. _TR version
Newsletter 1 v land users
A more detailed description of DESIRE's aims, methodology and study sites than was presented in the project Brochure. This version intended for: land users. Issued February 2009.
Newsletter 1 v land users_FR
A more detailed description of DESIRE's aims, methodology and study sites than was presented in the project Brochure. This version intended for: land users. Issued February 2009. _FR version
Newsletter 1 v land users_PT
A more detailed description of DESIRE's aims, methodology and study sites than was presented in the project Brochure. This version intended for: land users. Issued February 2009. _PT version
Newsletter 1 v scientists and decision-makers
A more detailed description of DESIRE's aims, methodology and study sites than was presented in the project Brochure. This version intended for: scientists and decision-makers. Issued February 2009.
Newsletter 1 v scientists and decision-makers_FR
A more detailed description of DESIRE's aims, methodology and study sites than was presented in the project Brochure. This version intended for: scientists and decision-makers. Issued February 2009. version_FR
Newsletter 2
DESIRE reports on a 3rd year of progress. Study sites are busy combating desertification with new strategies - so how is it going? Issued March 2010.
Newsletter 2_PT
DESIRE reports on a 3rd year of progress. Study sites are busy combating desertification with new strategies - so how is it going? Issued March 2010. _PT version
Newsletter 2_TR
DESIRE reports on a 3rd year of progress. Study sites are busy combating desertification with new strategies - so how is it going? Issued March 2010. _TR version
Newsletter 3
Scientists and stakeholders learn to listen to one another: knowledge exchange is the key to sustainable action. Issued July 2010.
Newsletter 4
Progress with monitoring the field experiments: all the chosen strategies are being implemented and monitored. Issued July 2010.
Newsletter 4_TR
Progress with monitoring the field experiments: all the chosen strategies are being implemented and monitored. Issued July 2010. version_TR
Newsletter 5
DESIRE students are at the cutting-edge of research. DESIRE celebrates the hard work and enthusiasm of the PhD students. Issued February 2011.
Newsletter 6
More about the work of PhD students in the DESIRE project: students demonstrate research results and ideas. Issued February 2011.
Newsletter 7
Focus on research in Chile and Mexico. Soil erosion must be halted. Issued May 2011.
WDCD 17 June 2009: press release
New research uses the world's arid regions to protect global food supplies.

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The DESIRE project was
DESIRE brought together the expertise of
26 international research institutes
and non-governmental organisations.
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represent the opinion of the
European Commission. The European
Commission is not responsible for
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information contained herein.